Dose Mars Have water ? :

Water is essential for life, on Mars has no liquid water on its surface today. New research from Washington University in in St. Louis suggest a fundamental reason: Mars maybe just too small to hold on to large amount of water. The study (proceedings of the National academy of sciences) used stable isotopes of the element potassium to estimate the presence distribution and abundance of volatile elements on different planetary bodies. Potassium is a moderately volatile element, but the scientists decided to use it has a treasure for more volatile compounds such as water. Damage the potassium isotope composition of 20 previously confirmed Martian meteorites And determined that mass lost more potassium and other volatile than earth during its formation. The researchers found a well-defined correlation between body size and potassium isotope compositions the finding of the correlation of potassium isotopic composition. The finding of the correlation potassium isotopic compositions with planet gravity is a novel discovery with important quantitative implications for when and how the different entered planets received and lost their volatiles Dr. Katharina Lodders from Washington University and coauthor of the study said in a release.

Indigenous memory technology moves from lab to lab :


IIT Bombay researchers have developed a "memory technology" that can, in principle, revolutionize Indian industry and the many applications that they need semi-conductor chips, such has in the defense sector auto mobile and future aspirations cell phone manufacturing. Hard disk, flash memory, etc Are examples of memory technology. There is also another form of memory card the one-time programmable memory (OTP) where the memory is returned once stored per a lifetime, and retrieved and used many times. This friends varied uses, one of which is in correcting faulty chips that have been mass produced for specific applications.

Correcting offsets :

For intense, think of that helps rid of the temperature. Do it to manufacturing defect, the chip mien read hundred degree Celsius has 101 degree Celsius. This "offset" half 1° may be corrected by storing the error correction parameter in the OTP memory. This is done uniquely for each and once Store, the memory corrects the chip's how to put for its lifetime. OTP memories are also used for other purposes, mainly 3: chip identity, secure information storage and chip calibration for error corrections", says udyan Ganguly professor at IIT Bombay, who holds the the patents for invention along with A. Lele, S. Sadhana and p Kumbhare.

Storing values :

To store the corrections value researchers used data memory cells, each of which would Star one "bit" (that is a value of zero) each of the memory cells consists of an ultrathin silicon dioxide layer which is 10-15 atomic layers thick. This is a deposited uniformly over a dinner plate size 8 inch silicon wafer to millions Of nanoscale capacitors.



Anthropology, the study of the differences and similarities between the various races of mankind, contains two autonomous sciences: physical anthropology (the study of blood groups and genetic differences) and social anthropology or ethnology (the study of custom).


The classification of the races or gene pools of man classification complex and is vulnerable to political controversy. Many terms which have been used to describe racial groupings are hypothetical, being based either upon cultural and linguistic considerations which are not genetically linked (eg the term the Semitic race) or upon physical similarities (eg the term negeoid).

Formerly classifications of mankind were attempted based purely upon outward physical characteristics such as skin colour (black, brown. white yellow); body proportions (anthropometry). the shape of the head (craniometry), hair form. teeth and eyelids. A widely adopted system was that based on hair form which recognized three main types: the straight haired, woolly haired and curly haited groups. Although this remains of value no modern description of race relies solely on hair form External bodily differences are not ignored in the definition of races but are of less scientific importance than such simply inherited or single gene traits as can be easily and precisely quantified.

One of the major factors in modern anthropological studies is the blood group. Certain blood groups predominate in some races but are almost absent in others; eg B group is very rare in Amerinds. As well as blood groups various related factors are of racial consequence: abnormal haemoglobins and pigments and deficiencies in some type of cell are all known to be racially linked.

Many metabolic differences are now used in anthropological classification: abnormalities in the sense of taste (some races cannot taste phenyl thiocarbamide), the incidence of colour blindness, differences in the secretion of amino acids and other biochemical traits have all been scientifically investigated and shown to be excellent aids in the definition of gene pools. Certain medical disorders of genetic origin are useful to the science: eg thalassemia is confined to the Mediterranean type of the Caucasoid race. The Japanese have studied carwas types and found them to be genetically sig nificant This blood and other genetic traits have taken first place over body measurements and hair types in definition of races.